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SigLib Complete Function List |
This page contains a complete list of all the functions in the SigLib ANSI C source code DSP library. The library is split into the following sections:
SAI_FftLengthLog2 - Returns the log2(FFT length) for a given FFT length SAI_FftLengthLog4 - Returns the log4(FFT length) for a given FFT length SIF_Fft - Initialise FFT functionality SDA_Rfft - Real to Complex Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) SDA_Cfft - Complex to complex FFT SDA_Cifft - Complex to complex Inverse FFT SDA_BitReverseReorder - Bit reverse reorder the data SDA_IndexBitReverseReorder - Bit reverse reorder the data index SIF_FastBitReverseReorder - Initialise fast mode bit reverse reordering SDA_RealRealCepstrum - Real to real cepstrum analysis SDA_RealComplexCepstrum - Real to complex cepstrum analysis SDA_ComplexComplexCepstrum - Complex to complex cepstrum analysis SIF_FftTone - Initialise FFT tone detection functionality SDA_RfftTone - FFT tone detection functionality SDA_Rfftr - Real FFT, with real only output SIF_Fft4 - Initialise radix-4 FFT functionality SDA_Rfft4 - Real to Complex radix-4 Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) SDA_Cfft4 - Complex to complex radix-4 FFT SDA_Cifft4 - Complex to complex Inverse radix-4 FFT SDA_Rfftr4 - Real radix-4 FFT, with real only output SDA_Cfft2rBy1c - Two real FFTs, with one complex FFT SDA_Cfft2rBy1cr - Two real FFTs, with one complex FFT, with real only output SDA_Cfft24rBy1c - Two real radix-4 FFTs, with one complex radix-4 FFT SDA_Cfft24rBy1cr - Two real radix-4 FFTs, with one complex radix-4 FFT, with real only output SDA_DigitReverseReorder4 - Digit reverse reorder the radix-4 data SDA_IndexDigitReverseReorder4 - Digit reverse reorder the radix-4 data index SIF_FastDigitReverseReorder4 - Initialise fast mode radix-4 digit reverse reordering SDA_Cfft2rBy1c - Two radix-2 DIF, real to complex FFTs using a single complex radix-2 FFT SDA_Cfft2rBy1cr - Two radix-2 DIF, real to real FFTs using a single complex radix-2 FFT SDA_Cfft42rBy1c - Two radix-4 DIF, real to complex FFTs using a single complex radix-4 FFT SDA_Cfft42rBy1cr - Two radix-4 DIF, real to real FFTs using a single complex radix-4 FFT SDS_Cfft2 - Performs a radix-2 FFT operation on the supplied data SDA_Cfft2 - Performs a radix-2 FFT operation on the supplied data array SDS_Cfft3 - Performs a radix-3 FFT operation on the supplied data SDA_Cfft3 - Performs a radix-3 FFT operation on the supplied data array SIF_ZoomFft - Initialise zoom FFT functionality SDA_ZoomFft - Real to Complex zoom-Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) SIF_ZoomFftSimple - Initialise zoom FFT functionality - more efficient but less complex variant SDA_ZoomFftSimple - Real to Complex zoom-Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) - more efficient but less complex variant SIF_FdHilbert - Initialize frequency domain Hilbert transform function SDA_FdHilbert - Frequency domain Hilbert transformer SIF_FdAnalytic - Initialize frequency domain analytic signal generator SDA_FdAnalytic - Frequency domain analytic signal generator SDA_InstantFreq - Instantaneous frequency analyser SDA_Rdft - Real to Complex Discrete Fourier Transform SDA_Ridft - Real Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform SDA_Cdft - Complex Discrete Fourier Transform SDA_Cidft - Complex Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform SDA_FftShift - Shift the D.C. bin from 0 to N/2 or V.V. for real data SDA_CfftShift - Shift the D.C. bin from 0 to N/2 or V.V. for complex data SDA_FftExtend - Extend the array length of a real (or imaginary) FFT array SDA_CfftExtend - Extend the array lengths of a real and imaginary FFT arrays SDA_FftRealToComplex - Convert real frequency domain dataset of length ((fftLength/2)+1) to a complex dataset of length fftLength SIF_DctII - Initialize 1D type II DCT SDA_DctII - 1D type II DCT SIF_DctIIOrthogonal - Initialize 1D type II orthogonal DCT SDA_DctIIOrthogonal - 1D type II orthogonal DCT SIF_Stft - Initialize Short Time Fourier Transform functions SDA_Rstft - Compute real Short Time Fourier Transform SDA_Ristft - Compute real inverse Short Time Fourier Transform SAI_RstftNumberOfFrequencyDomainFrames - Compute number of frames in Short Time Fourier Transform output SDA_RstftInsertFrequencyFrame - Insert a linear array into a given Short Time Fourier Transform frame frequency slice SDA_RstftExtractFrequencyFrame - Extract a linear frequency slice from a given Short Time Fourier Transform frame SIF_FftArb - Initialise the arbitrary FFT operation SUF_FftArbAllocLength - Return length of FFT for arbitrary length transform SDA_RfftArb - Arbitrary real FFT operation using chirp z-transform SDA_CfftArb - Arbitrary complex FFT operation using chirp z-transform SDA_CifftArb - Arbitrary complex inverse FFT operation using chirp z-transform
SIF_FastAutoCrossPowerSpectrum - Initialise fast auto and cross power spectrum functions SDA_FastAutoPowerSpectrum - Fast auto power spectrum SDA_FastCrossPowerSpectrum - Fast cross power spectrum SIF_ArbAutoCrossPowerSpectrum - Initialise arbitrary length fast auto and cross power spectrum functions SDA_ArbAutoPowerSpectrum - Arbitrary length auto power spectrum SDA_ArbCrossPowerSpectrum - Arbitrary length cross power spectrum SIF_WelchPowerSpectrum - Initilaise the Welch power spectrum functions SDA_WelchRealPowerSpectrum - Initilaise the Welch power spectrum functions SDA_WelchComplexPowerSpectrum - Welch complex power spectrum SIF_MagnitudeSquaredCoherence - Initilaise the magnitude squared coherence functions SDA_MagnitudeSquaredCoherence - Magnitude squared coherence function
SIF_FirOverlapAdd - Initialise overlap and add FFT filtering functionality SDA_FirOverlapAdd - Overlap and add FFT filter SIF_FirOverlapSave - Initialise overlap and save FFT filtering functionality SDA_FirOverlapSave - Overlap and save FFT filter SIF_FftConvolvePre - Initialize pre-calculation of frequency domain convolution coefficients SDA_FftConvolvePre - Frequency domain convolution with pre-calculated coefficients SDA_FftConvolveArb - Frequency domain convolution with arbitrary coefficients SIF_FftCorrelatePre - Initialize pre-calculation of frequency domain correlation coefficients SDA_FftCorrelatePre - Frequency domain correlation with pre-calculated coefficients SDA_FftCorrelateArb - Frequency domain correlation with arbitrary coefficients SDA_RfftConvolve - This function works in a similar manner to the scipy fftconvolve function
SIF_Czt - Initialisation function for the chirp z-transform SIF_Awn - Generate complex window coeffs SIF_Vl - Generate contour definition coeffs SIF_Wm - Generate weighting coeffs
SIF_Window - Initialise windowing functionality SIF_TableTopWindow - Initialise the table top (flat centre section) windowing functionality SDA_Window - Apply window to a array of data SDA_ComplexWindow - Apply a complex window to a complex stream SDA_WindowInverseCoherentGain - Calculate window function inverse coherent gain SDA_WindowEquivalentNoiseBandwidth - Calculate window function equivalent noise bandwidth SDA_WindowProcessingGain - Calculate window function processing gain SDS_I0Bessel - Calculate the Izero Bessel function
FIR Filter Functions SIF_Fir - Initialise FIR filter functionality SDS_Fir - Perform FIR filter on a data sample SDA_Fir - Perform FIR filter on a array of data SDS_FirAddSample - Add a sample to the filter delay line SDA_FirAddSamples - Add multiple samples to the filter delay line SIF_Comb - Initialise comb filter functionality SDS_Comb - Perform a comb filter on a data sample SDA_Comb - Perform a comb filter on a data array SIF_FirComplex - Initialise a complex filter SDS_FirComplex - Perform a complex filter on a data sample SDA_FirComplex - Perform a complex filter on a data stream SIF_FirWithStore - Initialise FIR filter functionality - With store maybe more efficient than standard FIR filter functions SDS_FirWithStore - Perform FIR filter on a data sample - With store maybe more efficient than standard FIR filter functions SDA_FirWithStore - Perform FIR filter on a array of data - With store maybe more efficient than standard FIR filter functions SIF_FirComplexWithStore - Initialise complex FIR filter functionality - With store maybe more efficient than standard FIR filter functions SDS_FirComplexWithStore - Perform complex FIR filter on a data sample - With store maybe more efficient than standard FIR filter functions SDA_FirComplexWithStore - Perform complex FIR filter on a array of data - With store maybe more efficient than standard FIR filter functions SDS_FirWithStoreAddSample - Add a sample to the filter with store delay line SDA_FirWithStoreAddSamples - Add multiple samples to the filter with store delay line SIF_FirExtendedArray - Initialise FIR filter functionality - With extended state array maybe more efficient than standard FIR filter functions SDS_FirExtendedArray - Perform FIR filter on a data sample - With extended state array maybe more efficient than standard FIR filter functions SDA_FirExtendedArray - Perform FIR filter on a array of data - With extended state array maybe more efficient than standard FIR filter functions SIF_FirComplexExtendedArray - Initialise a complex filter - With extended state array maybe more efficient than standard FIR filter functions SDS_FirComplexExtendedArray - Perform a complex filter on a data sample - With extended state array maybe more efficient than standard FIR filter functions SDA_FirComplexExtendedArray - Perform a complex filter on a data stream - With extended state array maybe more efficient than standard FIR filter functions SDS_FirExtendedArrayAddSample - Add a sample to the filter with extended state array SDA_FirExtendedArrayAddSamples - Add multiple samples to the filter with extended state array SIF_LowPassFirFilter - Create a low pass filter with the given centre frequency SIF_HighPassFirFilter - Create a high pass filter with the given centre frequency SIF_BandPassFirFilter - Create a band pass filter with the given centre frequency SIF_LowPassFirFilterWindow - Create a low pass filter with the given centre frequency, using windowing SIF_HighPassFirFilterWindow - Create a high pass filter with the given centre frequency, using windowing SIF_BandPassFirFilterWindow - Create a band pass filter with the given centre frequency, using windowing SUF_KaiserApproximation - Approximate the desired number of FIR filter coefficients using the Kaiser approximation SUF_HarrisApproximation - Approximate the desired number of FIR filter coefficients using the harris approximation SUF_FirHarrisMultirateApproximation - Approximate the desired number of FIR filter coefficients using the harris approximation for multi-rate filters SIF_MatchedFirFilter - Initialize coefficients for a matched FIR filter from a given data set SDA_FirFilterInverseCoherentGain - Calculate the inverse coherent gain for an FIR filter SIF_TappedDelayLine - Initialize the tapped delay line / multi-path functions SDS_TappedDelayLine - Tapped delay line / multi-path function on a per sample basis SDA_TappedDelayLine - Tapped delay line / multi-path function on a per array basis SIF_TappedDelayLineComplex - Initialize the complex tapped delay line / multi-path functions SDS_TappedDelayLineComplex - Complex tapped delay line / multi-path function on a per sample basis SDA_TappedDelayLineComplex - Complex tapped delay line / multi-path function on a per array basis SIF_TappedDelayLineIQ - Initialize the IQ tapped delay line / multi-path functions SDS_TappedDelayLineIQ - IQ tapped delay line / multi-path function on a per sample basis SDA_TappedDelayLineIQ - IQ tapped delay line / multi-path function on a per array basis SIF_FirPolyPhaseGenerate - Initialize a polyphase FIR filter SIF_FirZeroNotchFilter - Apply a notch filter using pole placement on the unit circle SDA_FirLpBpShift - Shift centre frequency from low-pass to band-pass SDA_FirLpHpShift - Shift centre frequency from low-pass to high-pass SDA_FirLpHpShiftReflectAroundMinus6dBPoint - Reflect the frequency response of a low-pass filter around the -6 dB point
IIR Filter Functions SIF_Iir - Initialise IIR filter functionality - uses the biquad filter structure - subtraction of feedback coefficients SDS_Iir - Perform IIR filter on a data sample - uses the biquad filter structure - subtraction of feedback coefficients SDA_Iir - Perform IIR filter on a array of data - uses the biquad filter structure - addition of negated feedback coefficients SDS_IirMac - Perform IIR filter on a data sample - uses the biquad filter structure - addition of negated feedback coefficients SDA_IirMac - Perform IIR filter on a array of data - uses the biquad filter structure SIF_IirOrderN - Initialise the order N IIR filter functionality - uses a single order N structure SDS_IirOrderN - Perform an order N IIR filter on a data sample - uses a single order N structure SDA_IirOrderN - Perform an order N IIR filter on a array of data - uses a single order N structure SDS_IirOrderNMac - Perform an order N IIR filter on a data sample - uses a single order N structure - addition of negated feedback coefficients SDA_IirOrderNMac - Perform an order N IIR filter on a array of data - uses a single order N structure - addition of negated feedback coefficients SDA_IirOrderNDirectFormIITransposed - Nth order direct form II transposed IIR filter SDA_IirZeroPhase - Perform bi-directional (non-causal/zero-phase) IIR filter on a array of data SIF_IirZeroPhaseOrderN - Initialise bi-directional (non-causal/zero-phase) Nth order IIR filter functionality SDA_IirZeroPhaseOrderN - Perform bi-directional (non-causal/zero-phase) Nth order IIR filter on a array of data SDA_BilinearTransform - Transform poles and zeros from s-plane to z-plane using the bilinear transform SDA_PreWarp - Pre-warps frequencies for bilinear transform SDA_MatchedZTransform - Transform poles and zeros from s-plane to z-plane using the matched z-transform SDA_IirZplaneToCoeffs - Translate rectangular z-plane poles and zeros to IIR coefficients SDA_IirZplanePolarToCoeffs - Translate polar z-plane poles and zeros to IIR coefficients SDA_IirZplaneLpfToLpf - Frequency translate a low-pass IIR filter SDA_IirZplaneLpfToHpf - Translate a low-pass IIR filter to high pass SDA_IirZplaneLpfToBpf - Translate a low-pass IIR filter to band pass SDA_IirZplaneLpfToBsf - Translate a low-pass IIR filter to band stop SDA_ModifyIirFilterGain - Modify the pass band gain of the IIR filter SIF_LowPassIirFilter - Initialize the coefficients of a low-pass IIR filer biquad SIF_HighPassIirFilter - Initialize the coefficients of a high-pass IIR filer biquad SIF_AllPassIirFilter - Initialize the coefficients of an all-pass IIR filer biquad SIF_BandPassIirFilter - Initialize the coefficients of a band-pass IIR filer biquad SIF_NotchIirFilter - Initialize the coefficients of a notch IIR filer biquad SIF_PeakingIirFilter - Initialize the coefficients of a peaking IIR filer biquad SIF_LowShelfIirFilter - Initialize the coefficients of a low-shelf IIR filer biquad SIF_HighShelfIirFilter - Initialize the coefficients of a high-shelf IIR filer biquad SDS_IirRemoveDC - Remove the DC component of a signal using an IIR filter SDA_IirRemoveDC - Remove the DC component of a signal using an IIR filter SIF_OnePole - Initialize the one-pole low-pass filter functions SDS_OnePole - Apply a one-pole low-pass filter on a data sample SDA_OnePole - Apply a one-pole low-pass filter on an array of data SDS_OnePoleNormalized - Apply a one-pole low-pass filter on a data sample. The step response gain is normalized to 1.0 SDA_OnePoleNormalized - Apply a one-pole low-pass filter on an array of data. The step response gain is normalized to 1.0 SDS_OnePoleEWMA - Apply an exponentially weighted moving average one-pole low-pass filter on a data sample. The step response gain is normalized to 1.0 SDA_OnePoleEWMA - Apply an exponentially weighted moving average one-pole low-pass filter on an array of data. The step response gain is normalized to 1.0 SDA_OnePolePerSample - Apply a one-pole low-pass filter, between arrays of data SIF_OnePoleHighPass - Initialize one-pole high-pass filter functions SDS_OnePoleHighPass - Apply a one-pole high-pass filter on a data sample SDA_OnePoleHighPass - Apply a one-pole high-pass filter on an array of data SDS_OnePoleHighPassNormalized - Apply a one-pole high-pass filter on a data sample. The step response gain is normalized to 1.0 SDA_OnePoleHighPassNormalized - Apply a one-pole high-pass filter on an array of data. The step response gain is normalized to 1.0 SDA_OnePoleHighPassPerSample - Apply a one-pole high-pass filter, between arrays of data SDS_OnePoleHighPassCutOffFrequencyToFilterCoeff - Convert high-pass cut-off frequency to one-pole coefficient SDS_TimeConstantToOnePoleFilterCoeff - Convert a time constant to a one-pole IIR filter coefficient SDS_CutOffFrequencyToOnePoleFilterCoeff - Convert a cut-off frequency to a one-pole IIR filter coefficient SIF_AllPole - Initialise the all pole IIR filter functionality SDS_AllPole - Apply an all pole filter on a data sample SDA_AllPole - Apply an all pole filter on an array of data SDA_ZDomainCoefficientReorg - Reorganises z-domain coefficients from Digital Filter Plus SIF_IirNotchFilter - Generate the coefficients for an IIR notch filter SIF_IirNormalizedCoefficients - Generate normalized Butterworth and Bessel low-pass filter coefficients SIF_IirNormalizedSPlaneCoefficients - Generate normalized s-Plane Butterworth and Bessel low-pass filter coefficients SDA_TranslateSPlaneCutOffFrequency - Translate the cut-off frequency of a low-pass filter SDA_IirLpLpShift - Shift the cut-off frequency of an IIR digital filter SDA_IirLpHpShift - Transform a LPF IIR filter into a HPF and shift the cut-off frequency SIF_Iir2PoleLpf - Two pole IIR low-pass filter design SDS_Iir2Pole - Apply two pole IIR filter on a data sample SDA_Iir2Pole - Apply two pole IIR filter on an array of data SDA_IirNegateAlphaCoeffs - Negate IIR filter feedback coefficients to use the MAC variants - these may be more efficient on certain processors SIF_GraphicEqualizerFilterBank - Generate an N channel graphic equalizer filter bank SDA_SplitIIRFilterCoefficients - Splits the cascaded coefficients, as used by SigLib filtering functions into separate arrays for b and a SDA_MergeIIRFilterCoefficients - Merges the split coefficients for b and a into a single merged array, as used by SigLib filtering functions SDA_SplitIIROrderNFilterCoefficients - Splits the cascaded coefficients, as used by SigLib filtering functions into separate arrays for b and a SDA_MergeIIROrderNFilterCoefficients - Merges the split coefficients for b and a into a single merged array, as used by SigLib filtering functions SDA_IirOrderNInitializeCoefficients - Compute the initial conditions for a steady-state step response input to the function SDA_IirOrderNDirectFormIITransposed()
Generic Filtering Functions SDA_Integrate - Integrate the waveform SDA_Differentiate - Differentiate the waveform SIF_LeakyIntegrator - Initialise the leaky integrator SDS_LeakyIntegrator1 - Leaky integrator - Limit and add input SDS_LeakyIntegrator2 - Leaky integrator - Add input and limit SIF_HilbertTransformerFirFilter - Initialise Hilbert transformer filter coefficients SIF_GoertzelIirFilter - Initialise Goertzel filter coefficients SDA_GoertzelIirFilter - Apply Goertzel filter SDS_GoertzelIirFilter - Apply Goertzel filter (per sample) SIF_GoertzelDetect - Initialise Goertzel filter in signal detect mode SDA_GoertzelDetect - Apply Goertzel filter in signal detect mode SIF_GoertzelFilterComplex - Initialise Goertzel filter coefficients SDA_GoertzelDetectComplex - Apply Goertzel filter in signal detect mode SIF_GaussianFilter - Initialise Gaussian filter coefficients SIF_GaussianFilter2 - Initialise Gaussian filter coefficients - second type SIF_RaisedCosineFirFilter - Initialise a raised cosine filter coefficients SIF_RootRaisedCosineFirFilter - Initialise a root raised cosine filter coefficients SDS_ZTransform - Calculate the z-Transform of the source array SDS_ZTransformDB - Calculate the z-Transform of the source array in dB SUF_EstimateBPFirFilterLength - Estimate the length of a band-pass FIR filer SUF_EstimateBPFirFilterError - Estimate the error of a given band-pass FIR filter SUF_FrequenciesToOctaves - Convert frequencies to octaves for given sample rate SUF_FrequenciesToCentreFreqHz - Convert frequencies to centre frequencies for given sample rate SUF_FrequenciesToQFactor - Convert frequencies to Q Factor SUF_BandwidthToQFactor - Convert bandwidth to Q factor SUF_QFactorToBandwidth - Convert Q factor to bandwidth SDS_KalmanFilter1D - Apply a 1 dimensional Kalman filter to the data sample SDS_KalmanFilter2D - Apply a 2 dimensional Kalman filter to the data samples SIF_FarrowFilter - Initialize the Farrow filter structure SDS_FarrowFilter - Filter the data sample using the Farrow filter structure SDA_FarrowFilter - Filter the data array using the Farrow filter structure
SDA_LinearMicrophoneArrayBeamPattern - Beam pattern for a linear microphone array SDA_LinearMicrophoneArrayBeamPatternLinear - Beam pattern for a linear microphone array SDA_MicrophoneArrayBeamPattern - Beam pattern for a 2D microphone array SDA_MicrophoneArrayBeamPatternLinear- Beam pattern for a 2D microphone array SDA_MicrophoneArrayCalculateDelays - Calculate delays for direction for a microphone array SDA_LinearMicrophoneArrayBeamPattern- Calculate the beam pattern for a linear microphone array SDA_LinearMicrophoneArrayBeamPattern- Calculate the beam pattern for a linear microphone array SDA_MicrophoneArrayBeamPattern - Calculate the beam pattern for an arbitrary microphone array SDS_TemperatureToSpeedOfSoundInAir - Adjust speed of sound in air for temperature variation
SIF_Lms - Initialise adaptive filter functionality SDS_Lms - Perform filter on a data sample SDA_LmsUpdate - Update LMS filter taps SDA_LeakyLmsUpdate - Update leaky LMS filter taps SDA_NormalizedLmsUpdate - Update normalized LMS filter taps SDA_SignErrorLmsUpdate - Update signed error LMS filter taps SDA_SignDataLmsUpdate - Update signed data LMS filter taps SDA_SignSignLmsUpdate - Update signed sign LMS filter taps
SDA_ConvolveLinear - Linearly convolve input with impulse response SDA_ConvolvePartial - Partially convolve input with impulse response SDA_ConvolveInitial - Convolve input with impulse response, without extension SDA_ConvolveIterate - Convolve input with impulse response, by iteration SDA_ConvolveCircular - Cyclic convolve input with impulse response SDA_ConvolveLinearComplex - Linearly convolve complex input with complex impulse response SDA_ConvolvePartialComplex - Partially convolve complex input with complex impulse response SDA_ConvolveInitialComplex - Cyclic convolve complex input with complex impulse response, without extension SDA_ConvolveCircularComplex - Cyclic convolve complex input with complex impulse response SDA_FftDeconvolution - Deconvolve a signal and an impulse response SIF_FftDeconvolutionPre - Initialise the FFT deconvolution function, with pre-calculated FFT of impulse response SDA_FftDeconvolutionPre - Deconvolve a signal and an impulse response, with pre-calculated FFT of impulse response SDA_Convolve2d - Perform convolution on 2 dimensional array SDA_CorrelateLinear - Linear cross correlate two data arrays SDA_CorrelatePartial - Partial linear cross correlate two data arrays SDA_CorrelateCircular - Cyclic cross correlate two data arrays SDA_Covariance - Calculate the covariance of two data arrays SDA_CovariancePartial - Calculate part of the covariance of two data arrays SDA_CorrelateLinearReturnPeak - Linear cross correlate two data arrays and return the peak
SIF_FixedDelay - Initialise the fixed delay functions SDS_FixedDelay - Delay the data by a fixed number of samples SDA_FixedDelay - Delay the data in an array by a fixed number of samples SIF_FixedDelayComplex - Initialise the fixed complex delay functions SDS_FixedDelayComplex - Delay the complex data by a fixed number of samples SDA_FixedDelayComplex - Delay the complex data in an array by a fixed number of samples SDA_ShortFixedDelay - Delay the data in an array by a fixed small number of samples SIF_VariableDelay - Initialise the variable delay functions SDS_VariableDelay - Delay the data by a variable number of samples SDA_VariableDelay - Delay the data in an array by a variable number of samples SIF_VariableDelayComplex - Initialise the variable complex delay functions SDS_VariableDelayComplex - Delay the complex data by a variable number of samples SDA_VariableDelayComplex - Delay the complex data in an array by a variable number of samples SUF_IncreaseVariableDelay - Increase the variable delay by a number of samples SUF_DecreaseVariableDelay - Decrease the variable delay by a number of samples SDA_Align - Align two arrays of data
SIM_Fft2d - Perform 2d FFT on image SIF_Fft2d - Initialise 2d FFT SIM_Convolve3x3 - Convolve an image with a 3x3 kernel SIM_Convolve2d - Convolve an image with an arbitrary sized kernel SIM_Sobel3x3 - Apply a 3x3 Sobel edge detection filter SIM_SobelVertical3x3 - Apply a vertical 3x3 Sobel filter SIM_SobelHorizontal3x3 - Apply a horizontal 3x3 Sobel filter SIM_Median3x3 - Apply a 3x3 median filter SIF_ConvCoefficients3x3 - Initialize a 3x3 convolution filter SIM_Max - Return the maximum value in the image SIM_Min - Return the minimum value in the image SDA_Histogram - Produce histogram of data SDA_HistogramEqualize - Equalize the histogram of the data
SIF_Dct8x8 - Initialise the DCT functionality SIM_Dct8x8 - Apply an 8x8 DCT to an image block SIM_Idct8x8 - Apply an inverse 8x8 DCT to an image block SIM_ZigZagScan - Zig-zag scan an image block SIM_ZigZagDescan - Zig-zag scan an image array
SDA_SignalGenerate - Generate an array full of a signal (sin, cos, square, ramp etc.) SDS_SignalGenerate - Generate a sample of a signal (sin, cos, square, ramp etc.) SDA_SigGenRamp - Generate a ramp signal SIF_Resonator - Initialise the resonator SDA_Resonator - A digital resonator SIF_Resonator - Initialise the resonator1 SDA_Resonator1 - Second digital resonator SDA_Resonator1Add - Add a sample into digital resonator1 SDA_SignalGeneratePolarWhiteNoise - Add a polar white noise signal to the input array SDS_SignalGeneratePolarWhiteNoise - Add a polar white noise signal to the input sample SDA_SignalGeneratePolarGaussianNoise - Add a polar Gaussian white noise signal to the input array SDS_SignalGeneratePolarGaussianNoise - Add a polar Gaussian white noise signal to the input sample SDA_SignalAddPolarJitterAndGaussianNoise - Add jitter and a Gaussian polar white noise signal to the input array SDS_SignalAddPolarJitterAndGaussianNoise - Add jitter and a Gaussian polar white noise signal to the input sample SDA_Ramp - Generate a ramp in the array SIF_RandomNumber - Initialize random number seed SDS_RandomNumber - Generate a random number SDA_RandomNumber - Fill the array with random numbers
SDA_BitErrorRate - Calculate bit error rate for a signal SDA_Interleave - Interleave the samples in a data stream SDA_Deinterleave - De-interleave the samples in a data stream SCV_EuclideanDistance - Return the Euclidean distance between two vectors SCV_EuclideanDistanceSquared - Return the square of the Euclidean distance between two vectors SDS_EuclideanDistance - Return the Euclidean distance between two samples SDS_EuclideanDistanceSquared - Return the square of the Euclidean distance between two samples SDA_EuclideanDistance - Return the Euclidean distance between two arrays of samples SDA_EuclideanDistanceSquared - Return the square of the Euclidean distance between two arrays of samples SCA_EuclideanDistance - Return the Euclidean distance between two arrays of vectors SCA_EuclideanDistanceSquared - Return the square of the Euclidean distance between two arrays of vectors SDS_ManchesterEncode - Apply Manchester encoding to the source data bit SDS_ManchesterDecode - Apply Manchester decoding to the source data bit SDS_ManchesterEncodeByte - Apply Manchester encoding to the source data byte SDS_ManchesterDecodeByte - Apply Manchester decoding to the source data byte
SIF_DetectNumericalWordSequence - Initialize function to detect a sequence of numerical words SDS_DetectNumericalWordSequence - Detect a sequence of numerical words SIF_DetectNumericalBitSequence - Initialize function to detect a sequence of numerical bits SDS_DetectNumericalBitSequence - Detect a sequence of numerical bits SIF_DetectCharacterSequence - Initialize function to detect a sequence of characters SDS_DetectCharacterSequence - Detect a sequence of characters SDS_ErrorVector - Calculate error vector on the input samples SDS_ErrorVectorMagnitudePercent - Calculate error vector magnitude in percentage on the input samples SDS_ErrorVectorMagnitudeDecibels - Calculate error vector magnitude in dB on the input samples SDS_ReverseDiBits - Reverse the di-bit pair to swap from "computer" order to "ITU-T" order SDS_QpskBitErrorCount - Count the bit errors in the QPSK data stream SDS_BitErrorRate - Calculate the bit error rate in the QPSK data stream
SIF_PhaseLockedLoop - Initialise phase locked loop SDS_PhaseLockedLoop - Phase locked loop on per sample basis SDA_PhaseLockedLoop - Phase locked loop on array basis SIF_CostasLoop - Initialise Costas loop SDS_CostasLoop - Costas loop on per sample basis SDA_CostasLoop - Costas loop on array basis SRF_CostasLoop - Reset the Costas loop functions SIF_180DegreePhaseDetect - Initialise the 180 degree phase shift detector SDA_180DegreePhaseDetect - Detect 180 degree phase shifts in the input signal
SIF_TriggerReverberator - Initialise the trigger reverberator - ensures trigger continues if signal diminishes SDA_TriggerReverberator - Apply the trigger reverberator on per sample basis SDS_TriggerReverberator - Apply the trigger reverberator on array basis SDA_TriggerSelector - Trigger selector function
SIF_EarlyLateGate - Initialise the early-late-gate timing error detector SDA_EarlyLateGate - Apply the early-late-gate timing error detector on per sample basis SDS_EarlyLateGate - Apply the early-late-gate timing error detector on array basis SIF_EarlyLateGateSquarePulse - Initialise the early-late-gate timing error detector on a square pulse input SDA_EarlyLateGateSquarePulse - Apply the early-late-gate timing error detector on per sample basis SDS_EarlyLateGateSquarePulse - Apply the early-late-gate timing error detector on array basis
SDS_ConvEncoderK3 - K = 3, rate 1/2 convolutional encoder (trellis coded modulator) SIF_ViterbiDecoderK3 - Initialise K = 3, rate 1/2 Viterbi decoder SDS_ViterbiDecoderK3 - K = 3, rate 1/2 Viterbi decoder SDS_ConvEncoderV32 - V.32 (32QAM) convolutional encoder (trellis coded modulator) SIF_ViterbiDecoderV32 - Initialise V.32 (32QAM) Viterbi decoder SDS_ViterbiDecoderV32 - V.32 (32QAM) Viterbi decoder
SIF_AmplitudeModulate - Initialize amplitude modulation function SDA_AmplitudeModulate - Amplitude modulate a signal on a per array basis SDS_AmplitudeModulate - Amplitude modulate a signal on a per sample basis SIF_AmplitudeModulate2 - Initialize amplitude modulation function - version 2 SDA_AmplitudeModulate2 - Amplitude modulate a signal on a per array basis - version 2 SDS_AmplitudeModulate2 - Amplitude modulate a signal on a per sample basis - version 2 SIF_ComplexShift - Initialise complex frequency shifting SDA_ComplexShift - Complex frequency shift a signal. Can also operate as a lock-in amplifier SIF_FrequencyModulate - Initialize frequency modulation functions SDS_FrequencyModulate - Frequency modulate a signal - per sample basis SDA_FrequencyModulate - Frequency modulate a signal - array basis - Can also be used for Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO or NCO) SDA_FrequencyDemodulate - Demodulate an FM signal SIF_FrequencyModulateComplex - Initialize complex frequency modulation functions SDS_FrequencyModulateComplex - Frequency modulate a complex signal - per sample basis SDA_FrequencyModulateComplex - Frequency modulate a complex signal - array basis SDA_DeltaModulate - Delta modulate a signal SDA_DeltaDemodulate - Demodulate an delta modulated signal SDA_DeltaModulate2 - Another function to delta modulate a signal
SIF_CostasQamDemodulate - Initilize the Costas loop based QAM / QPSK demodulator functions. Includes early-late-gate timing error detector SDS_CostasQamDemodulate - Implement the Costas loop based QAM / QPSK demodulator functions on a per sample basis SDS_CostasQamDemodulateDebug - Implement the Costas loop based QAM / QPSK demodulator functions on a per sample basis with debug information SDA_CostasQamDemodulate - Implement the Costas loop based QAM / QPSK demodulator functions on an array basis SDA_CostasQamDemodulateDebug - Implement the Costas loop based QAM / QPSK demodulator functions on an array basis with debug information SIF_QpskModulate - Initialise the QPSK modulation function SDA_QpskModulate - QPSK modulate a signal SIF_QpskDemodulate - Initialise the QPSK demodulation function SDA_QpskDemodulate - Demodulate a QPSK signal SDA_QpskDemodulateDebug - Demodulate a QPSK signal, with debug output SDA_QpskDifferentialEncode - QPSK differential encoding SDA_QpskDifferentialDecode - QPSK differential decoding SIF_OpskModulate - Initialise the 8-PSK (Octal PSK) modulation function SDA_OpskModulate - 8-PSK (Octal PSK) modulate a signal SIF_OpskDemodulate - Initialise the 8-PSK (Octal PSK) demodulation function SDA_OpskDemodulate - Demodulate a 8-PSK (Octal PSK) signal SDA_OpskDemodulateDebug - Demodulate a 8-PSK (Octal PSK) signal, with debug output SIF_FskModulate - Initialise the FSK modulation function SDA_FskModulateByte - FSK modulate a signal - 8 bit byte input SDA_FskDemodulateByte - Demodulate a FSK (and CP-FSK) signal - 8 bit byte output SDA_CpfskModulateByte - Continuous phase FSK modulate a signal - 8 bit byte input SDA_FskModulate - FSK modulate a signal - 1 bit input SDA_FskDemodulate - Demodulate an FSK (and CP-FSK) signal - 1 bit output SDA_CpfskModulate - Continuous phase FSK modulate a signal - 1 bit input SIF_Qam16Modulate - Initialise the QAM-16 modulation function SDA_Qam16Modulate - QAM-16 modulate a signal SIF_Qam16Demodulate - Initialise the QAM-16 demodulation function SDA_Qam16Demodulate - QAM-16 demodulate a signal SDA_Qam16DemodulateDebug - QAM-16 demodulate a signal (with debug information) SDA_Qam16DifferentialEncode - QAM-16 differential encoding SDA_Qam16DifferentialDecode - QAM-16 differential decoding SIF_BpskModulate - Initialise the BPSK modulation function SDA_BpskModulate - BPSK modulate a signal SDA_BpskModulateByte - BPSK modulate a signal - 8 bit byte input SIF_BpskDemodulate - Initialise the BPSK demodulation function SDA_BpskDemodulate - Demodulate a BPSK signal SDA_BpskDemodulateDebug - Demodulate a BPSK signal, with debug output SIF_DpskModulate - Initialise the DPSK modulation function SDA_DpskModulate - DPSK modulate a signal SDA_DpskModulateByte - DPSK modulate a signal - 8 bit byte input SIF_DpskDemodulate - Initialise the DPSK demodulation function SDA_DpskDemodulate - Demodulate a DPSK signal SDA_DpskDemodulateDebug - Demodulate a DPSK signal, with debug output SIF_PiByFourDQpskModulate - Initilize the PI/4 D-QPSK modulation function SDA_PiByFourDQpskModulate - PI/4 D-QPSK modulate a signal SDS_ChannelizationCode - 3GPP2 compliant channelization code generation SDA_ComplexQPSKSpread - 3GPP2 compliant complex weighting, spreading and scrambling SDA_ComplexQPSKDeSpread - 3GPP2 compliant complex de-weighting, de-spreading and de-scrambling
SUF_AsyncCharacterLength - Return the asynchronous character length for a given word length and number of start, stop and partiy bits SDA_SyncToAsyncConverter - Convert a data sequence from synchronous to asynchronous SDA_AsyncToSyncConverter - Convert a data sequence from asynchronous to synchronous SIF_AsyncAddRemoveStopBits - Initilize the function to remove stop bits from an asynchronous sequence SDA_AsyncRemoveStopBits - Remove stop bits from an asynchronous sequence SDA_AsyncAddStopBits - Add stop bits to an asynchronous sequence SDA_DecreaseWordLength - Decrease the wordlength of a synchronous sequence SDA_IncreaseWordLength - Increase the wordlength of a synchronous sequence
SDS_Scrambler1417 - 1 + x-14 + x-17 polynomial Pseudo Random Binary Sequence (PRBS) Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) scrambler SDS_Descrambler1417 - 1 + x-14 + x-17 polynomial Pseudo Random Binary Sequence (PRBS) Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) descrambler SDS_Scrambler1417WithInversion - 1 + x-14 + x-17 polynomial Pseudo Random Binary Sequence (PRBS) Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) scrambler - with inversion SDS_Descrambler1417WithInversion - 1 + x-14 + x-17 polynomial Pseudo Random Binary Sequence (PRBS) Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) descrambler - with inversion SDS_Scrambler1823 - 1 + x-18 + x-23 polynomial Pseudo Random Binary Sequence (PRBS) Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) scrambler SDS_Descrambler1823 - 1 + x-18 + x-23 polynomial Pseudo Random Binary Sequence (PRBS) Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) descrambler SDS_Scrambler523 - 1 + x-5 + x-23 polynomial Pseudo Random Binary Sequence (PRBS) Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) scrambler SDS_Descrambler523 - 1 + x-5 + x-23 polynomial Pseudo Random Binary Sequence (PRBS) Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) descrambler SDS_ScramblerDescramblerPN9 - PN-9 scrambler / descrambler SDS_ScramblerDescramblerPN15 - PN-15 scrambler / descrambler SDS_SequenceGeneratorPN9 - PN-9 scrambler / descrambler sequence generator SDS_SequenceGeneratorPN15 - PN-9 scrambler / descrambler sequence generator SDS_ScramblerDescramblergCRC24 - 3GPP CRC24 descrambler SDS_SequenceGeneratorgCRC24 - 3GPP CRC24 sequence generator SDS_ScramblerDescramblergCRC16 - 3GPP CRC16 descrambler SDS_SequenceGeneratorgCRC16 - 3GPP CRC16 sequence generator SDS_ScramblerDescramblergCRC12 - 3GPP CRC12 descrambler SDS_SequenceGeneratorgCRC12 - 3GPP CRC12 sequence generator SDS_ScramblerDescramblergCRC8 - 3GPP CRC8 descrambler SDS_SequenceGeneratorgCRC8 - 3GPP CRC8 sequence generator SDS_LongCodeGenerator3GPPDL - 3GPP downlink long code sequence generator SDS_LongCodeGenerator3GPPUL - 3GPP uplink long code sequence generator SDA_Multiplex - Multiplex the elements in the arrays SDA_Demultiplex - Demultiplex the elements in the arrays SDA_Mux_N - Multiplex N channels onto one stream SDA_Demux_N - Demultiplex N channels from one steam
SIF_Decimate - Initialise the decimation function SDA_Decimate - Decimate the sample rate of the source data SIF_Interpolate - Initialise the interpolation function SDA_Interpolate - Interpolate the sample rate of the source data SIF_FilterAndDecimate - Initialise the filter and decimation function SDA_FilterAndDecimate - Filter and decimate the sample rate of the source data SIF_InterpolateAndFilter - Initialise the interpolate and filter function SDA_InterpolateAndFilter - Interpolate and filter sample rate of the source data SDA_ResampleLinear - Linear re-sampler SDA_ResampleLinearNSamples - Linear re-sampler and output N samples SDA_InterpolateLinear1D - Linear interpolation version 1D SDA_InterpolateLinear2D - Linear interpolation version 2D SIF_ResampleSinc - Initialize sin(x)/x (sinc) re-sampler SIF_ResampleWindowedSinc - Initialize window'd sin(x)/x (sinc) re-sampler SDA_ResampleSinc - sin(x)/x (sinc) re-sampler SDA_ResampleSincNSamples - sin(x)/x (sinc) re-sampler and output N samples SIF_InterpolateSinc1D - Initialize sin(x)/x (sinc) interpolation SIF_InterpolateWindowedSinc1D - Initialize window'd sin(x)/x (sinc) interpolation SDA_InterpolateSinc1D - sin(x)/x (sinc) interpolation SIF_ResampleLinearContiguous - Initialize contiguous (over entire array) linear re-sampler SDA_ResampleLinearContiguous - Contiguous (over entire array) linear re-sampler SIF_ResampleSincContiguous - Initialize contiguous (over entire array) sin(x)/x (sinc) re-sampler SIF_ResampleWindowedSincContiguous - Initialize contiguous (over entire array) sin(x)/x (sinc) re-sampler SDA_ResampleSincContiguous - Contiguous (over entire array) sin(x)/x (sinc) re-sampler SDS_InterpolateQuadratic1D - Quadratic interpolate the sample interpolation SDS_InterpolateQuadraticBSpline1D - B-Spline interpolate the sample interpolation SDS_InterpolateQuadraticLagrange1D - Lagrange interpolate the sample interpolation SIF_LagrangeFirCoefficients - Generate Lagrange filter coefficients SDS_LagrangeInterpolate - Interpolate the sample using the Lagrange equation SDA_LagrangeInterpolate - Interpolate the array using the Lagrange equation
SIF_DtmfGenerate - Initialise the DTMF generation function SDA_DtmfGenerate - Generate the DTMF signals SIF_DtmfDetect - Initialise the DTMF detection function SDA_DtmfDetect - Detect the DTMF signals (uses Goertzel's algorithm) SDA_DtmfDetectAndValidate - Detect the DTMF signal - as above but validates the output SUF_AsciiToKeyCode - Convert ASCII key codes to keypad codes SUF_KeyCodeToAscii - Convert keypad codes to ASCII
SIF_PreEmphasisFilter - Initialise the pre-emphasis filter for the speech signal SDA_PreEmphasisFilter - Apply the pre-emphasis filter to the speech signal SIF_DeEmphasisFilter - Initialise the de-emphasis filter for the speech signal SDA_DeEmphasisFilter - Apply the de-emphasis filter to the speech signal SDA_AdpcmEncoder - Compress the speech using Adaptive Differential Pulse Coded Modulation (ADPCM) SDA_AdpcmEncoderDebug - Compress the speech using Adaptive Differential Pulse Coded Modulation (ADPCM) - with debug output SDA_AdpcmDecoder - Decompress the speech using Adaptive Differential Pulse Coded Modulation (ADPCM)
Minimum / Maximum Functions SDA_Max - Find the maximum value in a array SDA_AbsMax - Find the maximum of the absolute values in a array SDA_Min - Find the minimum value in a array SDA_AbsMin - Find the minimum of the absolute values in a array SAI_Max - Find the maximum value in a array of fixed point numbers SAI_Min - Find the inimum value in a array of fixed point numbers SDA_Middle - Find the middle value in a array SDA_Range - Find the range of the minimum and maximum values in a array SDA_MaxIndex - Find the array index of the maximum value in a array SDA_AbsMaxIndex - Find the array index of the maximum of the absolute values in a array SDA_MinIndex - Find the array index of the minimum value in a array SDA_AbsMinIndex - Find the array index of the minimum of the absolute values in a array SDS_Max - Return the maximum of 2 numbers SDS_AbsMax - Return the maximum of the absolute values of 2 numbers SDS_Min - Return the minimum of 2 numbers SDS_AbsMin - Return the minimum of 2 the absolute values of numbers SDA_LocalMax - Detect the local maximum within an array SDA_LocalAbsMax - Detect the local maximum within an array SDA_LocalMin - Detect the local maximum within an array SDA_LocalAbsMin - Detect the local maximum within an array SDA_Max2 - Find the maximum value in a array and store in a second SDA_AbsMax2 - Find the maximum of the absolute values in a array and store in a second SDA_SignedAbsMax2 - Find the maximum of the absolute values in a array and store in a second, including sign SDA_Min2 - Find the minimum value in a array and store in a second SDA_AbsMin2 - Find the minimum of the absolute values in a array and store in a second SDA_SignedAbsMin2 - Find the minimum of the absolute values in a array and store in a second, including sign SDA_PeakHold - Calculate a per array peak hold SDA_PeakHoldPerSample - Calculate a per sample peak hold SDA_DetectFirstPeakOverThreshold - Detect the first peak value over a threshold value SDS_Round - Round the sample to the nearest integer SDA_Round - Round the data to the nearest integer SDS_Clip - Clip the sample to an absolute maximum SDA_Clip - Clip the samples in the array to an absolute maximum SDS_Threshold - Threshold the sample SDA_Threshold - Threshold the samples in the array SDS_SoftThreshold - Soft threshold the sample SDA_SoftThreshold - Soft threshold the samples in the array SDS_ThresholdAndClamp - Threshold the sample and clamp the results SDA_ThresholdAndClamp - Threshold the samples in the array and clamp the results SDS_TestOverThreshold - Test if the sample magnitude is over threshold SDA_TestOverThreshold - Test if the samples in the array magnitude is over threshold SDS_TestAbsOverThreshold - Test if absolute value of sample magnitude is over threshold SDA_TestAbsOverThreshold - Test if absolute value of the samples in the array magnitude is over threshold SDS_Clamp - Clamp the sample within limits SDA_Clamp - Clamp the samples in the array within limits SDA_SelectMax - Select the maximum values from two arrays SDA_SelectMin - Select the minimum values from two arrays SDA_SelectMagnitudeSquaredMax - Select the maximum magnitude squared values from two arrays SDA_SelectMagnitudeSquaredMin - Select the minimum magnitude squared values from two arrays SDS_SetMinValue - Set the minimum value in the output SDA_SetMinValue - Set the minimum value in the output SDA_PeakToAverageRatio - Calculate the peak to average ratio of the signal SDA_PeakToAveragePowerRatio - Calculate the peak to average power ratio of the signal SDA_PeakToAveragePowerRatioDB - Calculate the peak to average power ratio of the signal in dB SDA_PeakToAverageRatioComplex - Calculate the peak to average ratio of the complex signal SDA_PeakToAveragePowerRatioComplex - Calculate the peak to average power ratio of the complex signal SDA_PeakToAveragePowerRatioComplexDB - Calculate the peak to average power ratio of the complex signal in dB SDA_MovePeakTowardsDeadband - Shift the data in an array towards a deadband SIF_Envelope - Initialize the envelope detector functions SDS_Envelope - Envelope detector - per sample SDA_Envelope - Envelope detector - on samples in the array SIF_EnvelopeRMS - Initialize the RMS energy detection envelope detector functions SDS_EnvelopeRMS - RMS energy detection envelope detector - per sample SDA_EnvelopeRMS - RMS energy detection envelope detector - on array SIF_EnvelopeHilbert - Initialize the Hilbert energy detection envelope detector functions SDS_EnvelopeHilbert - Hilbert energy detection envelope detector - per sample SDA_EnvelopeHilbert - Hilbert energy detection envelope detector - on array SDS_InterpolateThreePointQuadraticVertexMagnitude - Quadratic interpolate vertex magnitude (positive and negative) from 3 sample points SDS_InterpolateThreePointQuadraticVertexLocation - Quadratic interpolate vertex location (positive and negative) from 3 sample points SDS_InterpolateArbitraryThreePointQuadraticVertexMagnitude - Quadratic interpolate vertex magnitude (positive and negative) from 3 sample arbitrary points SDS_InterpolateArbitraryThreePointQuadraticVertexLocation - Quadratic interpolate vertex location (positive and negative) from 3 sample arbitrary points SDA_InterpolateThreePointQuadraticVertexMagnitude - Quadratic interpolate vertex magnitude (positive and negative) from 3 points in an array SDA_InterpolateThreePointQuadraticVertexLocation - Quadratic interpolate vertex location (positive and negative) from 3 points in an array SDA_InterpolateArbitraryThreePointQuadraticVertexMagnitude - Quadratic interpolate vertex magnitude (positive and negative) from 3 arbitrary points in an array SDA_InterpolateArbitraryThreePointQuadraticVertexLocation - Quadratic interpolate vertex location (positive and negative) from 3 arbitrary points in an array SDA_InterpolateArbitraryThreePointQuadraticPeakVertexMagnitude - Quadratic interpolate peak vertex magnitude (positive and negative) from 3 arbitrary points in an array SDA_InterpolateArbitraryThreePointQuadraticPeakVertexLocation - Quadratic interpolate peak vertex location (positive and negative) from 3 arbitrary points in an array SDA_FirstMinVertex - Find first minimum virtex in the array SDA_FirstMinVertexPos - Find first maximum virtex in the array SDA_FirstMaxVertex - Find first minimum virtex in the array SDA_FirstMaxVertexPos - Find first maximum virtex in the array SDA_NLargest - Save the N largest values and set the remainder to zero SDA_NSmallest - Save the N smallest values and set the remainder to zero
Math Functions SDA_Divide - Divide a vector array by a scalar SDA_Divide2 - Divide a vector array by another vector SDA_Multiply - Multiply a vector array by a scalar SDA_Multiply2 - Multiply two vector arrays SDS_ComplexMultiply - Multiply one complex vector by another SDS_ComplexInverse - Invert a complex vector SDA_ComplexInverse - Invert a complex vectors in the array SDS_ComplexDivide - Divide one complex vector by another SDA_ComplexScalarMultiply - Multiply a complex vector array by a scalar SDA_ComplexMultiply2 - Multiply the complex vectors in an array by the complex vectors in another array SDA_ComplexScalarDivide - Divide a complex vector array by a scalar SDA_ComplexDivide2 - Complex divide the elements in one array by the elements in another SDA_RealDotProduct - Dot product of two real vectors SDA_ComplexDotProduct - Dot product of two complex vectors SDA_ComplexScalarMultiply - Multiply a complex vector array by a scalar SDA_Add_N - Add N arrays of data SDA_WeightedSum - Weighted sum of two arrays of data SDA_Subtract2 - Subtract the contents of one array from another SDA_Add - Add a scalar value to all the values in the array SDA_PositiveOffset - Offset the data to ensure that all the values are positive and the smallest value is zero SDA_NegativeOffset - Offset the data to ensure that all the values are negative and the largest value is zero SDA_Negate - Negate all the entries in a array SDA_Inverse - Return reciprocal of all the values in the array SDA_Square - Return the square of all the values in the array SDA_Sqrt - Return the square root of all the values in the array SDA_Difference - Returns the difference (always positive) between the data in the two arrays SDA_SumOfDifferences - Returns the sum of the differences (always positive) between the data in the two arrays SDS_Roots - Returns the real roots of the equation: ax^2 + bx + c = 0 SDS_Factorial - Returns the factorial of the real input value SDS_Permutations - Returns the number of permutations for a data set SDS_Combinations - Returns the number of combinations for a data set SIF_OverlapAndAddLinear - Initialise the linear overlap and add functions SDA_OverlapAndAddLinear - Overlap the data in two arrays and add the overlapped data values SDA_OverlapAndAddLinearWithClip - Overlap the data in two arrays and add the overlapped data values - Clip the sum to avoid overflow SDA_OverlapAndAddArbitrary - Overlap the data in two arrays and add the overlapped data values - Adds an arbitrary scaling function to the overlapped data SDA_OverlapAndAddArbitraryWithClip - Overlap the data in two arrays and add the overlapped data values - Adds an arbitrary scaling function to the overlapped data and clip the sum to avoid overflow SDS_DegreesToRadians - Convert a value from degrees to radians SDA_DegreesToRadians - Convert an array of values from degrees to radians SDS_RadiansToDegrees - Convert a value from radians to degrees SDA_RadiansToDegrees - Convert an array of values from radians to degrees SDS_DetectNAN - Test if the sample is NAN or INF SDA_DetectNAN - Test if any of the samples in the array are NAN or INF
SDA_Rotate - Rotate the data in a array by N samples SDA_Reverse - Reverse the data in a array SDA_Scale - Scale an arrays contents to a maximum value SDA_MeanSquare - Calculate the MS value of the data SDA_MeanSquareError - Calculate the MS error value of the data SDA_RootMeanSquare - Calculate RMS value of the data SDA_Magnitude - Calculate RMS magnitude from complex arrays SDA_MagnitudeSquared - Calculate mean squared magnitude from complex arrays SDS_Magnitude - Calculate RMS magnitude from complex sample SDS_MagnitudeSquared - Calculate mean squared magnitude from a single complex input SDS_Phase - Calculate phase from a complex sample SDA_Phase - Calculate phase from a complex array SDA_PhaseWrapped - Return the wrapped phase of the signal around +/- PI SDA_PhaseUnwrapped - Return the unwrapped of the signal SDA_MagnitudeAndPhaseWrapped - Return the magnitude and the phase wrapped of the signal SDA_MagnitudeAndPhaseUnWrapped - Return the magnitude and the phase unwrapped of the signal SDA_MagnitudeSquaredAndPhaseWrapped - Return the magnitude and the phase wrapped of the signal SDA_MagnitudeSquaredAndPhaseUnWrapped - Return the magnitude and the phase unwrapped of the signal SDA_PhaseWrap - Wrap the phase of the signal around +/- PI SDA_PhaseUnwrap - Unwrap the phase of the signal SDS_Log2 - Return the logartitm to base 2 of the sample SDA_Log2 - Return the logartitm to base 2 for all the samples in the array SDS_LogN - Return the logartitm to base N of the sample SDA_LogN - Return the logartitm to base N for all the samples in the array SDA_Copy - Duplicate the contents of one array in another SDA_CopyWithStride - Duplicate the contents with variable indexing SIF_CopyWithOverlap - Initilize the function for copying two arrays to a third with some overlap of the input arrays SDA_CopyWithOverlap - Copy two arrays to a third with some overlap of the input arrays SIF_CopyWithIndex - Initialize copy with index function SDA_CopyWithIndex - Copy contents of one array into a second, with increasing index into the first array, on each copy SDA_20log10 - Calculate 20 * log base 10 of vector values on an array basis SDA_10log10 - Calculate 10 * log base 10 of vector values on an array basis SDS_20log10 - Calculate 20 * log base 10 of vector values on a per sample basis SDS_10log10 - Calculate 10 * log base 10 of vector values on a per sample basis SDA_LogMagnitude - Calculate the log magnitude of the vector SDA_LogMagnitudeAndPhaseWrapped - Return the log magnitude and the phase wrapped of the signal SDA_LogMagnitudeAndPhaseUnWrapped - Return the log magnitude and the phase unwrapped of the signal SDA_ZeroPad - Zero pad a vector to another length SIF_ReSize - Initialize the array resize function SDA_ReSize - Resize the array SDA_ReSizeInput - Resize the input SDA_ReSizeOutput - Resize the output SDA_Fill - Fill a array with a scalar value SDA_Zeros - Set the contents of a array to 0. SDA_Ones - Set the contents of a array to 1. SDA_Impulse - Set the contents of a array to 0. except the first element which will have the value 1. SDA_Histogram - Produce a histogram of an arrays data SDA_HistogramCumulative - Produce a cumulative histogram of an arrays data SDA_HistogramExtended - Produce an extended histogram of an arrays data SDA_HistogramExtendedCumulative - Produce an extended cumulative histogram of an arrays data SIF_Histogram - Initilize the histogram functions SDA_HistogramEqualize - Equalize the histogram of the data SDA_Quantize - Quantize the data in the array to N bits SDS_Quantize - Quantize the saample to N bits SDA_Quantize_N - Quantize, to integer N, the data in the array to N bits SDS_Quantize_N - Quantize, to integer N, the saample to N bits SDA_Abs - Calculate the absolute values in an array SDS_PeakValueToBits - Convert the number of bits in an integer to the peak value possible SDS_BitsToPeakValue - For a given value, provide the number of bits required to represent it SDS_VoltageTodBm - Convert a linear voltage to dBm SDA_VoltageTodBm - Convert a linear array of voltages to dBm SDS_dBmToVoltage - Convert a dBm sample to linear voltage SDA_dBmToVoltage - Convert a dBm array of samples to linear voltages SDS_VoltageTodB - Convert a linear voltage gain to dB SDA_VoltageTodB - Convert a linear array of voltage gains to dBm SDS_dBToVoltage - Convert a dB sample to linear voltage gain SDA_dBToVoltage - Convert a dB array of samples to linear voltage gains SDS_PowerTodB - Convert a linear power gain to dB SDA_PowerTodB - Convert a linear array of power gains to dBm SDS_dBToPower - Convert a dB sample to linear power gain SDA_dBToPower - Convert a dB array of samples to linear power gains SDS_Compare - Compare the contents of two samples SDA_Compare - Compare the contents of two arrays SDS_CompareComplex - Compare the contents of two complex samples SDA_CompareComplex - Compare the contents of two arrays of complex numbers SDS_Int - Integer value of the sample SDS_Frac - Fractional value of the sample SDS_AbsFrac - Absolute value of the fractional value of the sample SDA_Int - Integer value of the array samples SDA_Frac - Fractional value of the array samples SDA_AbsFrac - Absolute value of the fractional value of the array samples SDA_SetMin - Set the minimum value of the array samples SDA_SetMax - Set the maximum value of the array samples SDA_SetRange - Set the range of the array samples SDA_SetMean - Set the mean of the array samples SDA_RealSpectralInverse - Spectrum inv. on real time domain data SDA_ComplexSpectralInverse - Spectrum inv. on Complex time domain data SDA_FdInterpolate - Interpolate a spectrum, to change pitch SDA_FdInterpolate2 - Interpolate a spectrum, to change pitch SDS_TdPitchShift - Pitch shift a signal in the time domain - per sample SDA_TdPitchShift - Pitch shift a signal in the time domain - array SDS_EchoGenerate - Superimpose echo and reverb on a signal SDA_Power - Raise all the entries in a array to a power SDS_Polynomial - Evaluate the polynomial on the sample SDA_Polynomial - Evaluate the polynomial on the data SDS_Modulo - Rewrite the data as modulo N data SDA_Modulo - Rewrite the array of data as modulo N data SDA_AgcPeak - Control the gain using the peak level SIF_AgcMeanAbs - Initialize the AGC to control the gain using the mean absolute value SDA_AgcMeanAbs - Control the gain using the mean absolute value SIF_AgcMeanSquared - Initialize the AGC to control the gain using the mean squared value SDA_AgcMeanSquared - Control the gain using the mean squared value SIF_AgcEnvelopeDetector - Initialize the AGC to control the gain using the envelope detector - Note: The envelope detector AGC is the recommended AGC function to use for real time applications such as speech SDS_AgcEnvelopeDetector - Control the gain using the envelope detector - per sample basis SDA_AgcEnvelopeDetector - Control the gain using the envelope detector - array basis SIF_Drc - Initialize the dynamic range controller SDS_Drc - Apply the dynamic range controller - per sample basis SDA_Drc - Apply the dynamic range controller - array basis SDA_GroupDelay - Return the group delay of the phase signal SDA_ZeroCrossingDetect - Find zero crossings in an array SDS_ZeroCrossingDetect - Find zero crossings on a per sample basis SDA_FirstZeroCrossingLocation - Find the location of the first zero crossing on an array basis SDA_ZeroCrossingCount - Count the number of zero crossings on an array basis SDA_LevelCrossingDetect - Find level crossings in an array SDS_LevelCrossingDetect - Find level crossings on a per sample basis SDA_FirstLevelCrossingLocation - Find the location of the first level crossing on an array basis SDA_LevelCrossingCount - Count the number of level crossings on an array basis SDA_Trigger - Oscilloscope style trigger function SDA_ClearLocation - Set the value at a location to zero SDA_SetLocation - Set the value at a location to the given value SDA_SortMinToMax - Sort the values in a array - minimum first SDA_SortMaxToMin - Sort the values in a array - maximum first SDA_SortMinToMax2 - Sort the values in two arrays - minimum first SDA_SortMaxToMin2 - Sort the values in two arrays - maximum first SDA_SortIndexed - Sort the values in a array - indexed SDS_CountOneBits - Count the number of '1' bits in the data value SDS_CountZeroBits - Count the number of '0' bits in the data value SDS_CountLeadingOneBits - Count the number of leading '1' bits in the data value SDS_CountLeadingZeroBits - Count the number of leading '0' bits in the data value SDA_Sign - Return the sign of all the samples in the array SDA_Swap - Swap the order of the data in the array SUF_ModuloIncrement - Increment all of the values in the source array using modulo arithmatic SUF_ModuloDecrement - Decrement all of the values in the source array using modulo arithmatic SUF_IndexModuloIncrement - Increment all of the index values in the source array using modulo arithmatic SUF_IndexModuloDecrement - Decrement all of the index values in the source array using modulo arithmatic SDA_Find - Locate all the values in the source array that match the specification SDA_FindValue - Locate all the values in the source array that match the value SIF_DeGlitch - Initialize the de-glitch functions SDS_DeGlitch - Deglitch the data samples SDA_DeGlitch - Deglitch the samples in the array SDA_RemoveDuplicates - Remove duplicate values in the array SDA_FindAllDuplicates - Find all duplicate values in the array SDA_FindFirstDuplicates - Find first duplicates in the array SDA_FindSortAllDuplicates - Find and sort, smallest to largest, all duplicate values in the array SDA_FindSortFirstDuplicates - Find and sort, smallest to largest, first duplicates in the array SDA_Shuffle - Shuffle the data in the array SDA_InsertSample - Shift all of the data and insert the value in the space SDA_InsertArray - Shift all of the data and insert the array in the space SDA_ExtractSample - Extract sample at location and shift all data on the right, to the left SDA_ExtractArray - Extract array at location and shift all data on the right, to the left SAI_CountOneBits - Return the number of 1 bits in the sample SAI_CountZeroBits - Return the number of 0 bits in the sample SAI_Log2OfPowerof2 - Returns the log2 for a number which is a power of 2, useful for log2 FFT length based calculations SAI_DivideByPowerOf2 - Returns the division of the dividend by the divisor - the divisor must be a power of 2 number SAI_NextPowerOf2 - Next power of 2 above current value SAI_NextMultipleOfFftLength - Next multiple of the FFT length above current value SDA_FindFirstNonZeroIndex - Returns the index of the first non-zero value in the array or ‘-1’ if no values of zero are found in the array SDA_FindNumberOfNonZeroValues - Returns the number of non-zero values in the array SDA_Pad - Pad the array at each end, with different modes SDA_SigLibDataToFix - Convert the data from native SigLib to fixed point format SDA_FixToSigLibData - Convert the data from fixed point format to native SigLib SDA_SigLibDataToImageData - Convert the data from native SigLib to SigLib fixed point image format SDA_ImageDataToSigLibData - Convert the data from SigLib fixed point image to native SigLib format SDA_SigLibDataToFix16 - Convert the data from native SigLib to 16 bit fixed point format SDA_Fix16ToSigLibData - Convert the data from 16 bit fixed point format to native SigLib SDA_SigLibDataToFix32 - Convert the data from native SigLib to 32 bit fixed point format SDA_Fix32ToSigLibData - Convert the data from 32 bit fixed point format to native SigLib SDS_SigLibDataToQFormatInteger - Convert the data from native SigLib to Q format - per sample basis SDS_QFormatIntegerToSigLibData - Convert the data from Q format to native SigLib data format - per sample basis SDA_SigLibDataToQFormatInteger - Convert the data from native SigLib to Q format - array basis SDA_QFormatIntegerToSigLibData - Convert the data from Q format to native SigLib data format - array basis
SDS_Pid - Apply a pid control loop SDA_Pwm - Pulse Width Modulation function
SDA_ExtractOrder - Extract the orders in a data set SDA_SumLevel - Sum the levels in a data set SDA_SumLevelWholeSpectrum - Sum the levels over a whole spectrum SIF_OrderAnalysis - Initialize the order analysis functions SDA_OrderAnalysis - Perform order analysis
SDA_Sum - Sum all the entries in the array SDA_AbsSum - Sum the absolute values of all the entries in an array SDA_SumOfSquares - Return the sum of squares of all the entries in the array SDA_Mean - Calculate the arithmetic mean (average) of the array SDA_AbsMean - Calculate the absolute value of the arithmetic mean (average) of the array SDA_SubtractMean - Subtract the arithmetic mean (average) of the values in the array from all the values SDA_SubtractMax - Subtract the maximum value in the array from all the values SDA_SampleSd - Calculate the sample standard deviation of the array SDA_PopulationSd - Calculate the population standard deviation of the array SDA_SampleVariance - Calculate the sample (unbiased) variance of the array SDA_PopulationVariance - Calculate the population variance of the array SDA_CovarianceMatrix - Calculate an NxN symmetric covariance matrix between N vectors (datasets) of equal length SDA_Median - Calculate the median value of the array
SDA_LinraConstantCoeff - Return lin. regression const. coeff. SDA_LinraRegressionCoeff - Return lin. regression regress. coeff. SDA_LinraCorrelationCoeff - Return lin. regression correlat. coeff. SDA_LinraEstimateX - Return lin. regression X estimate SDA_LinraEstimateY - Return lin. regression Y estimate SDA_LograConstantCoeff - Return log. regression const. coeff. SDA_LograRegressionCoeff - Return log. regression regress. coeff. SDA_LograCorrelationCoeff - Return log. regression correlat. coeff. SDA_LograEstimateX - Return log. regression X estimate SDA_LograEstimateY - Return log. regression Y estimate SDA_ExpraConstantCoeff - Return expon. regression const. coeff. SDA_ExpraRegressionCoeff - Return expon. regression regress. coeff. SDA_ExpraCorrelationCoeff - Return expon. regression correlat. coeff. SDA_ExpraEstimateX - Return expon. regression X estimate SDA_ExpraEstimateY - Return expon. regression Y estimate SDA_PowraConstantCoeff - Return power regression const. coeff. SDA_PowraRegressionCoeff - Return power regression regress. coeff. SDA_PowraCorrelationCoeff - Return power regression correlat. coeff. SDA_PowraEstimateX - Return power regression X estimate SDA_PowraEstimateY - Return power regression Y estimate SDA_Detrend - Detrend the data in the array SDA_ExtractTrend - Extract the trend in the data
SDA_Sin - Return the sines of the data
SDA_Cos - Return the cosines of the data
SDA_Tan - Return the tangents of the data
SIF_FastSin - Initialise fast sine transform (look up table) function
SDA_FastSin - Perform fast sine (look up table) function on an array basis
SDS_FastSin - Perform fast sine (look up table) function on a per sample basis
SIF_FastCos - Initialise fast cosine transform (look up table) function
SDA_FastCos - Perform fast cosine (look up table) function on an array basis
SDS_FastCos - Perform fast cosine (look up table) function on a per sample basis
SIF_FastSinCos - Initialise fast sine and cosine transform (look up table) function
SDA_FastSinCos - Perform fast sine and cosine (look up table) function on an array basis
SDS_FastSinCos - Perform fast sine and cosine (look up table) function on a per sample basis
SIF_FastTan - Initialise fast tangent transform (look up table) function
SDA_FastTan - Perform fast tangent (look up table) function on an array basis
SDS_FastTan - Perform fast tangent (look up table) function on a per sample basis
SIF_QuickSin - Initialise quick sine transform (look up table) function
SDA_QuickSin - Perform quick sine (look up table) function on an array basis
SDS_QuickSin - Perform quick sine (look up table) function on a per sample basis
SIF_QuickCos - Initialise quick cosine transform (look up table) function
SDA_QuickCos - Perform quick cosine (look up table) function on an array basis
SDS_QuickCos - Perform quick cosine (look up table) function on a per sample basis
SIF_QuickSinCos - Initialise quick sine and cosine transform (look up table) function
SDA_QuickSinCos - Perform quick sine and cosine (look up table) function on an array basis
SDS_QuickSinCos - Perform quick sine and cosine (look up table) function on a per sample basis
SIF_QuickTan - Initialise quick tangent transform (look up table) function
SDA_QuickTan - Perform quick tangent (look up table) function on an array basis
SDS_QuickTan - Perform quick tangent (look up table) function on a per sample basis
SDA_Sinc - Calculate sin(x)/x sinc function on an array
SDS_Sinc - Calculate sin(x)/x sinc function on a per sample basis
SIF_QuickSinc - Initialize the function to calculate the quick sin(x)/x sinc (look up table) function
SDA_QuickSinc - Calculate the quick sin(x)/x sinc (look up table) function on an array
SDS_QuickSinc - Calculate the quick sin(x)/x sinc (look up table) function on a per sample basis
SCV_Real - Extract the real part of a complex vector SCV_Imaginary - Extract the imaginary part of a complex vector SCV_Polar - Create a complex polar vector from real data SCV_Rectangular - Create a complex rectangular vector from real data SCV_PolarToRectangular - Convert polar data to rectangular SCV_RectangularToPolar - Convert rectangular data to polar SCV_Sqrt - Square root a complex vector SCV_Inverse - Invert a complex vector SCV_Conjugate - Return the complex conjugate of a vector SCV_Magnitude - Return the real absolute magnitude of vector SCV_MagnitudeSquared - Return the square of the real absolute magnitude of vector SCV_Phase - Return the phase of vector SCV_Multiply - Multiply two complex vectors SCV_Divide - Divide one complex vector by another SCV_Add - Add two complex vectors SCV_Subtract - Return the difference between two vectors SCV_Log - Return log of a complex vector SCV_Exp - Return exponent of a complex vector SCV_Expj - Return the complex exponential of the real input (e^jTheta) SCV_Pow - Raise complex vector to a real power SCV_VectorAddScalar - Add a scalar to a vector SCV_VectorSubtractScalar - Subtract a scalar from a vector SCV_VectorMultiplyScalar - Multiply a vector by a scalar SCV_VectorDivideScalar - Divide a vector by a scalar SCV_ScalarSubtractVector - Subtract a vector from a scalar SCV_Roots - Returns the complex roots of the equation: ax^2 + bx + c = 0 SCV_Copy - Copy one vector to another SCV_Compare - Compare two vectors SDA_CreateComplexRect - Create a rectangular complex array (interleaved real and imaginary values) SDA_CreateComplexPolar - Create a polar complex array (interleaved magnitude and phase values) SDA_ExtractComplexRect - Separate a rectangular complex array (interleaved real and imaginary values) SDA_ExtractComplexPolar - Separate a polar complex array (interleaved magnitude and phase values) SDA_ClearComplexRect - Clear the contents of a rectangular complex array to 0+j0 SDA_ClearComplexPolar - Clear the contents of a polar complex array to 0+j0 SDA_FillComplexRect - Fill the contents of a rectangular complex array to a constant complex value SDA_FillComplexPolar - Fill the contents of a polar complex array to a constant complex value SDA_ComplexRectangularToPolar - Convert complex rectangular numbers to polar SDA_ComplexPolarToRectangular - Convert complex polar numbers to rectangular SDA_RectangularToPolar - Convert rectangular numbers to polar SDA_PolarToRectangular - Convert polar numbers to rectangular SDA_ComplexRectSqrt - Square root of all the values in an array of complex numbers SDA_ComplexRectInverse - Inverse of all the values in an array of complex numbers SDA_ComplexRectConjugate - Complex conjugate of all the values in an array of complex numbers SDA_ComplexRectMagnitude - Magnitude of all the values in an array of complex numbers SDA_ComplexRectMagnitudeSquared - Magnitude squared of all the values in an array of complex numbers SDA_ComplexRectPhase - Phase of all the values in an array of complex numbers SDA_ComplexRectMultiply - Multiply all the values in two arrays of complex numbers SDA_ComplexRectDivide - Divide all the values in two arrays of complex numbers SDA_ComplexRectAdd - Add all the values in two arrays of complex numbers SDA_ComplexRectSubtract - Subtract all the values in two arrays of complex numbers SDA_ComplexRectLog - Log of all the values in an array of complex numbers SDA_ComplexRectExp - Exponential of all the values in an array of complex numbers SDA_ComplexRectExpj - Complex exponential of all the values in an array of complex numbers SDA_ComplexRectPow - Raise of all the values in an array of complex numbers to a power SDA_ComplexRectVectorAddScalar - Add a scalar value to all the values in an array of complex numbers SDA_ComplexRectVectorSubtractScalar - Subtract a scalar value from all the values in an array of complex numbers SDA_ComplexRectVectorMultiplyScalar - Multiply all the values in an array of complex numbers by a scalar SDA_ComplexRectVectorDivideScalar - Divide all the values in an array of complex numbers by a scalar SDA_ComplexRectScalarSubtractVector - Subtract all the values in an array of complex numbers from a scalar number SDA_ComplexRectLinearInterpolate - Interpolate the values in an array of complex numbers in a recgtangular mode SDA_ComplexPolaInterpolate - Interpolate the values in an array of complex numbers in a polar mode
SMX_Transpose - Transpose a two dimensional matrix - also know as 'corner turn' SMX_Diagonal - Returns the diagonal of the matrix SMX_Multiply2 - Multiply two two dimensional matrices SMX_Identity - Create a square identity matrix SMX_Eye - Create an arbitrary shape identity matrix SMX_Inverse2x2 - Invert a 2x2 matrix SMX_ComplexInverse2x2 - Invert a 2x2 matrix of complex numbers SMX_Inverse - Invert a matrix, using Crout's LU reduction algorithm SMX_LuDecompose - LU decompose a matrix to unified LU matrix SMX_LuSolve - Solve for an LU decomposed matrix SMX_CholeskyDecompose - Cholesky decompose a matrix SMX_Determinant - Calculate the determinant of a matrix SMX_LuDeterminant - Calculate the determinant of an LU decomposed matrix SMX_LuDecomposeSeparateLU - LU decompose a matrix to separate LU matrices SMX_ForwardSubstitution - Forward matrix substitution SMX_BackwardSubstitution - Backward matrix substitution SMX_RotateClockwise - Rotate all of the matrix values in a clockwise direction SMX_RotateAntiClockwise - Rotate all of the matrix values in an anti-clockwise direction SMX_Reflect - Reflect the values in a matrix about a vertical axis SMX_Flip - Reflect the values in a matrix about a horizontal axis SMX_InsertRow - Insert a row in a matrix SMX_ExtractRow - Extract a row from a matrix SMX_InsertColumn - Insert a column in a matrix SMX_ExtractColumn - Extract a column from a matrix SMX_InsertNewRow - Insert a new row into a matrix - shift the rows below the new one down one level SMX_DeleteOldRow - Extract a row from a matrix - shift the rows below the extracted one up one level SMX_InsertNewColumn - Insert a new column into a matrix - shift the columns to the right of the new one to the right one level SMX_DeleteOldColumn - Extract a column from a matrix - shift the columns to the right of the extracted one to the left one level SMX_InsertRegion - Insert a region into a matrix SMX_ExtractRegion - Extract a region from a matrix SMX_InsertDiagonal - Insert a diagonal into a matrix SMX_ExtractDiagonal - Extract a diagonal from a matrix SMX_SwapRows - Swap two rows in a matrix SMX_SwapColumns - Swap two columns in a matrix SMX_Sum - Add two matrices together SMX_ShuffleColumns - Shuffle columns in a matrix SMX_ShuffleRows - Shuffle rows in a matrix SMX_CompanionMatrix - Compute companion matrix SMX_CompanionMatrixTransposed - Compute transposed companion matrix SMX_ExtractCategoricalColumn - Extract categorical (last) column from a matrix SMX_Copy - Copy a two dimensional matrix SMX_Add - Add two two dimensional matrices SMX_Subtract - Subtract one two D. matrix from another SMX_Multiply2Piecewise - Piecewise multiply two two D. matrices SMX_ScalarMultiply - Multiply a two D. matrix by a scalar
SDA_TwoLayer2CategoryNetworkFit - Two layer, two category network fit (train) SDA_TwoLayer2CategoryNetworkPredict - Two layer, two category network predict (infer) SDA_TwoLayerNCategoryNetworkFit - Two layer, N category network fit (train) SDA_TwoLayerNCategoryNetworkPredict - Two layer, N category network predict (infer) SDA_TwoLayer2CategoryNetworkWithBiasesFit - Two layer, two category network fit, with biases (train) SDA_TwoLayer2CategoryNetworkWithBiasesPredict - Two layer, two category network predict, with biases (infer) SDA_TwoLayerNCategoryNetworkWithBiasesFit - Two layer, N category network fit, with biases (train) SDA_TwoLayerNCategoryNetworkWithBiasesPredict - Two layer, N category network predict, with biases (infer) SDS_ActivationReLU - ReLU activation function (sample oriented) SDA_ActivationReLU - ReLU activation function (array oriented) SDS_ActivationReLUDerivative - ReLU derivative activation function (sample oriented) SDA_ActivationReLUDerivative - ReLU derivative activation function (array oriented) SDS_ActivationLeakyReLU - Leaky ReLU activation function (sample oriented) SDA_ActivationLeakyReLU - Leaky ReLU activation function (array oriented) SDS_ActivationLeakyReLUDerivative - Leaky ReLU derivative activation function (sample oriented) SDA_ActivationLeakyReLUDerivative - Leaky ReLU derivative activation function (array oriented) SDS_ActivationLogistic - Logistic activation function (sample oriented) SDA_ActivationLogistic - Logistic activation function (array oriented) SDS_ActivationLogisticDerivative - Logistic derivative activation function (sample oriented) SDA_ActivationLogisticDerivative - Logistic derivative activation function (array oriented) SDS_ActivationTanH - Hyperbolic tangent activation function (sample oriented) SDA_ActivationTanH - Hyperbolic tangent activation function (array oriented) SDS_ActivationTanHDerivative - Hyperbolic tangent derivative activation function (sample oriented) SDA_ActivationTanHDerivative - Hyperbolic tangent derivative activation function (array oriented)
SUF_BinReadData - Read data from a binary file SUF_BinWriteData - Write data to a binary file SUF_BinReadFile - Read a complete binary file SUF_BinWriteFile - Write a complete binary file SUF_BinFileLength - Return the length of the binary file SUF_RawReadData - Read data from a Raw/PCM file SUF_RawWriteData - Write data to a Raw/PCM file SUF_RawReadFile - Read a complete Raw/PCM file SUF_RawWriteFile - Write a complete Raw/PCM file SUF_RawFileLength - Return the length of the Raw/PCM file SUF_CsvReadData - Read a complete csv file SUF_CsvWriteData - Write data to a csv file SUF_CsvReadFile - Read data from a csv file SUF_CsvWriteFile - Write a complete csv file SUF_CsvReadMatrix - Read matrix from a csv file SUF_CsvWriteMatrix - Write matrix to a csv file SUF_DatReadData - Read data from a dat file SUF_DatWriteData - Write data to a dat file SUF_DatReadHeader - Read header from a dat file SUF_DatWriteHeader - Write header to a binary file SUF_SigReadData - Read data from a sig file SUF_SigWriteData - Write data to a sig file SUF_SigReadFile - Read a complete sig file SUF_SigWriteFile - Write a complete sig file SUF_SigFileLength - Return the length of the sig file SUF_WavReadData - Read data from a wav file SUF_WavWriteData - Write data to a wav file SUF_WavReadData16 - Read 16 bit data from a wav file SUF_WavWriteData16 - Write 16 bit data to a wav file SUF_WavReadData32 - Read 32 bit data from a wav file SUF_WavWriteData32 - Write 32 bit data to a wav file SUF_WavReadWord - Read word from a wav file SUF_WavReadLong - Read long integer from a wav file SUF_WavWriteWord - Write word to a wav file SUF_WavWriteLong - Write long integer to a wav file SUF_WavReadHeader - Read header from a wav file SUF_WavWriteHeader - Write header to a wav file SUF_WavDisplayInfo - Display header information from a wav file SUF_WavSetInfo - Set header information for a wav file SUF_WavFileLength - Write file length to a wav file SUF_WavReadFile - Read a complete wav file SUF_WavWriteFile - Write a complete wav file SUF_WavWriteFileScaled - Write scaled data to a complete wav file SUF_XmtReadData - Read data from an xmt file SUF_WriteWeightsIntegerCFile - Write neural network weights to an integer C header file SUF_WriteWeightsFloatCFile - Write neural network weights to a floating point C header file SUF_WriteWeightsBinaryFile - Write neural network weights to a binary file SUF_ReadWeightsBinaryFile - Read neural network weights from a binary file
SUF_WriteWeightsWithBiasesIntegerCFile - Write neural network weights and biases to an integer C header file SUF_WriteWeightsWithBiasesFloatCFile - Write neural network weights and biases to a floating point C header file SUF_WriteWeightsWithBiasesBinaryFile - Write neural network weights and biases to a binary file SUF_ReadWeightsWithBiasesBinaryFile - Read neural network weights and biases from a binary file
Utility Functions SUF_SiglibVersion - Returns the current SigLib version number SUF_PrintArray - Print the contents of an array to the console SUF_PrintFixedPointArray - Print the contents of a fixed point array to the console SUF_PrintComplexMatrix - Print the contents of a complex matrix to the console SUF_PrintComplexArray - Print the contents of a complex array to the console SUF_PrintComplexNumber - Print the contents of a complex number to the console SUF_PrintMatrix - Print the contents of a matrix to the console SUF_PrintPolar - Print the value of a polar complex number to the console SUF_PrintRectangular - Print the value of a rectangular complex number to the console SUF_PrintIIRCoefficients - Print the IIR filter coefficients array to the console SUF_PrintCount - Print a count to keep track of iterations SUF_PrintHigher - Print the higher of two numbers SUF_PrintLower - Print the lower of two numbers SUF_ClearDebugfprintf - Clear the debug log file SUF_Debugfprintf - Debug fprintf function - prints to a log file SUF_Debugvfprintf - Varaible parameter version of SUF_Debugfprintf SUF_DebugPrintArray - Print the contents of an array to the log file SUF_DebugPrintFixedPointArray - Print the contents of a fixed point array to the log file SUF_DebugPrintComplexArray - Print the contents of a complex array to the log file SUF_DebugPrintComplex - Print the contents of a complex number to the log file SUF_DebugPrintComplexRect - Print the contents of a complex rectangular number to the log file SUF_DebugPrintComplexPolar - Print the contents of a complex polar number to the log file SUF_DebugPrintMatrix - Print the contents of a matrix to the log file SUF_DebugPrintPolar - Print the value of a polar complex number to the log file SUF_DebugPrintRectangular - Print the value of a rectangular complex number to the log file SUF_DebugPrintIIRCoefficients - Print the IIR filter coefficients array to the log file SUF_DebugPrintCount - Print a count to keep track of iterations to the log file SUF_DebugPrintHigher - Print the higher of two numbers to the log file SUF_DebugPrintLower - Print the lower of two numbers to the log file SUF_DebugPrintInfo - Print SigLib library version information to the log file SUF_DebugPrintLine - Print source code line information to the log file SUF_DebugPrintTime - Print time information to the log file SUF_StrError - Print the SigLib error number SUF_MSDelay - Delay the code by N ms
C/C++ Macros SDS_RoundDown - Round the scalar value down to the nearest integer value SDS_RoundUp - Round the scalar value up to the nearest integer value SDS_RoundToNearest - Round the scalar value to the nearest integer value SDS_TestOdd - Returns true if sample is odd SDS_TestEven - Returns true if sample is even SDS_TestPowerOfTwo - Returns true if size is a power of 2 SDS_Absolute - Return the absolute value of a number SDS_Sign - Return the sign of a number SDS_BitTest - Returns 1 if all bits in mask set, 0 otherwise SUF_NumberOfElements - Returns number of samples in an array SDS_BitTest - Test bit pattern SDS_BitMask - Bit mask SDS_Swap - Swap the contents of 2 variables SDS_SortN - Sort the contents of N variables SDS_Square - Return the square of the input SDS_Asinh - Return the hyperbolic arc sin of the input SDS_Log2Macro - Return the log base 2 of the input SDS_VoltageTodBmMacro - Converts the linear voltage to dBm SDS_dBmToVoltageMacro - Converts dBm to linear voltage SDS_VoltageTodBMacro - Converts the linear voltage gain to dBm SDS_dBToVoltageMacro - Converts the dB gain to linear voltage SDS_PowerTodBMacro - Converts the linear power gain to dBm SDS_dBToPowerMacro - Converts the dB gain to linear power SDA_Operate - Perform a standard math operation (+ - * / ) on vectors SDA_Average - Return the average (mean) of the samples in the array SDA_Subtract - Subtract the second array from the first SAI_RoundDown - Round the integer scalar value down to the nearest integer value SAI_RoundUp - Round the integer scalar value up to the nearest integer value SAI_RoundToNearest - Round the integer scalar value to the nearest integer value SAI_TestOdd - Return true if the integer value is odd SAI_TestEven - Return true if the integer value is even SAI_TestPowerOfTwo - Return the integer value squared SAI_Absolute - Return the absolute value of the integer SAI_Sign - Return the sign of the integer value SAI_Log2 - Return the log base 2 of the integer value SAI_Log4 - Return the log base 4 of the integer value SAI_NumberOfElements - Return the number of elements in the array SUF_BinNumberToFrequency - Convert the FFT bin number to a frequency SUF_BinNumberToFrequency2 - Convert the FFT bin number to a frequency - version 2 SUF_FrequencyToBinNumber - Convert a frequency to an FFT bin number SUF_FrequencyToBinNumber2 - Convert a frequency to an FFT bin number - version 2 SAI_FftLength(x) - Returns the FFT length for a given log2(FFT length) SAI_FftLength4(x) - Returns the FFT length for a given log4(FFT length)
Memory Allocation Functions SUF_VectorArrayAllocate - Allocate vector array SUF_FftCoefficientAllocate - Allocate FFT twiddle factor coefficient array (radix-2) SUF_FftCoefficientAllocate4 - Allocate FFT twiddle factor coefficient array (radix-4) SUF_IirState_arrayAllocate - Allocate IIR filter state array SUF_IirCoefficientAllocate - Allocate IIR filter coefficients array SUF_QamCarrierArrayAllocate - Allocate QAM carrier array SUF_QpskCarrierArrayAllocate - Allocate QPSK carrier array SUF_OpskCarrierArrayAllocate - Allocate OPSK carrier array SUF_IndexArrayAllocate - Allocate index array SUF_ComplexRectArrayAllocate - Allocate a rectangular complex vector array SUF_ComplexPolarArrayAllocate - Allocate a polar complex vector array SUF_DifferentialEncoderArrayAllocate - Allocate a differential encoder array
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