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Case Study: Industrial Vibration Monitoring System - Code Review And Technology Training


The customer is a major industry in the Midlands of the United Kingdom. Two years prior to the contract they had engaged a contractor to develop an innovative noise and vibration analysis algorithm for their rotating machines.

The application required that the raw sensor data was pre-processed as close to the machine as possible to reduce the amount of data being sent to the cloud service for analysis.

The front end signal processing solution worked fine but none of the Engineers at the principle company could understand the algorithm and the contractor was not interested in documeting the design.

Delta Numerix were called in to review the design, from the algorithm right through to the implementation and then work with the customer to ensure that they understood the algorithms and could support them going forward.

Review Summary

The original source code was implemented in assembly on an Analog Devices SHARC™ floating point DSP. While the customer had a very good understanding of the SHARC™ architecture, there were optimizations in the code that also needed review, documentation and explanation to the customer.

Here is a high level summary of the results of the review:

  1. The algorithm and implementation were all very sound pieces of engineering
  2. There was no need for re-work of the design but it did need documenting
  3. The customer was more than happy to document the algorithms, if they received some assistance in understanding them
  4. The customer's engineering team could benefit from a wider level of DSP training

Service Summary

A bespoke DSP course was prepared for the customer and presented on-site to all engineering team members.
The course included a tailored module to introduce the team to the specifics of their application.
The course finished with a final day dedicated to the specific algorithms used in their application, as written by the original contractor.

Following the project review and training course the customer was able to procede with documenting the algorithms.

A further half day of consultancy was provided to the customer to review the documentation written by their engineering team and answer any outstanding questions.


[1] Oppenheim, A. V. and Schafer, R. W., (1989), "Discrete Time Signal Processing", Prentice-Hall Inc., USA.

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